Sunday, September 27, 2009

In His Strength

I remember learning the scripture, when I was a child, that says 'I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." I also remember singing many times Jesus Loves Me, which says, "they are weak but He is strong." Even as a little girl, I knew that "they" meant me. All of my life, my parents, my Sunday School teachers, my pastors, my school teachers (at a Christian school) poured the Word into my mind so I could hide it in my heart. The messages are so simple a child can understand.

God, the Master Creator knows us better than anyone else, and He made His message simple on purpose: so we could get it. He did this so we could get it at a young age. Our minds are constantly inundated with all kinds of thoughts: duties, responsibilities, blessings, tv shows, radio programs, email, news, conversations, the kids' need for clothes to be ironed. Need I go on? As cluttered as our minds get, the simple messages from God's word are powerful enough to penetrate the most cluttered mind and bring peace.

I have had a stressful couple of weeks, and the thought that has been my stay is from a song by Steven Curtis Chapman: His Strength is Perfect.

We can only know
The power that He holds
When we truly see how deep our weakness goes;
His strength in us begins
Where ours comes to an end.

One morning last week, I prayed and asked the Lord how I would have strength to do all I need to do, and it was like He said: You just say the Word, and I will take care of it. So I am continuing to say everyday, "His Strength is Perfect," but I do not see it until I am out of strength myself. When I am emptied and can't go on, He steps in and takes care of it. He gives me what I need to keep pressing on. I am very thankful for His hand on my life.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have said it before, but it always bears repeating. What I value most, besides salvation itself, is the peace of mind that only Jesus can bring. Someone recently said to me that she feels peace when she is around me. My mind goes back to a homestudy we went through years ago when we started pursuing adoption. Our caseworker walked into our home (in the midst of our nervousness) and said, "The presence of the Lord dwells here." All my nervousness melted away.

O Lord, my Source of peace, always dwell in me. Always allow others to feel Your peace in my presence. Your presence, whether in me or in others, is the only source of peace there is. Thank You for the special person you have sent my way to prod me to "let go, and let God." It makes me want to dig a little deeper into what You have for me. Help me always to shine like a beacon in darkness, and help me to always share Your peace. Amen.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

All Creation Declares

All creation really declares the handiwork of God. Nicole C. Mullen wrote a song (at least she recorded it, and as far as I know, she wrote it) that says:

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
And who told the ocean you can only come this far?
And who showed the moon where to hide till evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives

In the last week, I noticed that sometimes when you look at the ocean, it appears to go uphill. It reminded me of this song, and I could just imagine God drawing a line in the sand for the ocean not to cross. From what I understand, God designed the tide to be controlled by the magnetism of the moon, but He is God. He decided how far the ocean can go. That brings me comfort when the winds of life blow. The tide may come in, but it will not consume me. I am in the hollow of HIS hand, and HE tells the ocean where to stop.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Surrender

I have gotten hooked on a song I heard on Youtube called "I am Broken." The line that gets me is the last: "All I ever was, all I am and hope to be is broken at Your feet." I retrieved the words from another site that names Jim E. Davis as the writer of the song. A comment on the Youtube post names Sandy Blythe as the writer. Regardelss of who wrote it, it is very anointed and ministers to me everytime I hear it.

I never really thought about it this way before, but when we surrender to God and kneel at His feet, we give Him our past, our right now, and our future. The woman who broke the bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet gave Him her past, was giving him her present (right now), and was giving Him the precious ointment she had been saving for years, for her future. In much the same way, we surrender our past, present and future.

When Jesus went to Calvary and was crucified, He took my sin on Him. He covered the past, the right then, and the future. Only God in His love unconditional could create a plan so efficient. I am thankful for sweet surrender, not for my actions, but for His. I am in awe of all the God does for us when we surrender to Him.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have never been a morning person! I am very lively at night, but I do not even want to whisper in the morning. I have always preferred quietness until about 9 or 10. God must surely have a sense of humor. He created me to teach. He placed me in a school over 40 miles from home. He has given me very lively, noisy children who are bright and perky, and even loud in the mornings. Even in the noise, I have a new appreciation for mornings.

A favorite old song says that God's mercies are new every morning. I have gained a passion for beautiful sunrises. They often remind me that it is time for God's mercies to be fresh again, fresh like the morning dew.

Be blessed!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thinking Vertically

In the last three years I have heard a term at school called "vertically aligned." In the education world, that means people at various grade levels get together and organize better so that students do not reread the same books in different grades and so that our education transitions can be smoother (elementary to middle school and middle to high school).

It hit me last night that God wants us to be vertically aligned. You know on the Day of Pentecost, followers of Jesus were gathered in the upper room, and the Bible says they were all in "one accord" (Acts 2). They received what God wanted to give them because they were vertically aligned. They were centered on Him as they prayed and waited.

God has not changed. He has blessings for us: salvation, Holy Ghost baptism, His divine presence, joy unspeakable, unconditional love, peace that passes understanding... and so much more. He is waiting for us to turn our attention to Him so He can pour it on. Lord, here I am. You are God of all; my mind is on You. Pour it on! As a wonderful old song says, "I want to be so full of You that there won't be room for anything else." AMEN!