Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thinking Vertically

In the last three years I have heard a term at school called "vertically aligned." In the education world, that means people at various grade levels get together and organize better so that students do not reread the same books in different grades and so that our education transitions can be smoother (elementary to middle school and middle to high school).

It hit me last night that God wants us to be vertically aligned. You know on the Day of Pentecost, followers of Jesus were gathered in the upper room, and the Bible says they were all in "one accord" (Acts 2). They received what God wanted to give them because they were vertically aligned. They were centered on Him as they prayed and waited.

God has not changed. He has blessings for us: salvation, Holy Ghost baptism, His divine presence, joy unspeakable, unconditional love, peace that passes understanding... and so much more. He is waiting for us to turn our attention to Him so He can pour it on. Lord, here I am. You are God of all; my mind is on You. Pour it on! As a wonderful old song says, "I want to be so full of You that there won't be room for anything else." AMEN!