Thursday, August 28, 2008


I am usually transparent. I am not fond of this trait but feel unable to change it. What you see is what you get. I try to smile "Good Mornings" to those I meet. Sometimes it is returned; sometimes it is ignored. Recently I have found myself in pain from my neck to my shoulder, not all at once. It comes and goes and moves around -- even down my arm or in my hand. One morning, a co-worker informed me I was not myself. I do not seem to be able to hide what I feel.

Though I have pain, I don't worry about it much, because I know my Creator. He made me, this world, and everything in it. If He can breathe air into a pile of dirt and make it come to life in the form of a man, and if He can take care of feeding all the sparrows, then He can certainly take care of me. And He will! It is a bit disgruntling that I have shoulder pain when I lie down, no matter how I turn. I cannot sleep in the bed until this thing goes away! I have rebuked it in Jesus' name. I know that God is in the healing business, but I also know He is not a lucky charm or a genie in a bottle that we can use by saying some magic words. He is God and He is sovereign. Sometimes things happen as a result of other things in life. Just because God does not jump to heal me when I claim it, does not mean He has quit listening. He is my All in All whether I walk in pain or without it.

If you think of it, thank the Lord for my healing. He did purchase it with some brutal stripes on His body. I know He has made provision for all of us, but I do not want to use Him for my benefit. I want Him to use me for His glory -- come what may.

Blessings to you and yours!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Random Thankful Thoughts

I am thankful for my parents, older and wiser than I.
I am thankful for my children, long awaited.
I am thankful for memories of all of the women I have heard praying in my lifetime.
I am thankful for a job in which I can impart knowledge, unconditional love, and respect into the lives of some brilliant preteens.
I am thankful for a husband who loves God, loves his parents, his sister, our children, our church, and, of course, me.
I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who planned my life with purpose.
I am thankful for a Savior who paid the price so that I could talk to my Father firsthand.
I am thankful for special friends whom God has seasoned my life with, and who grow like flowers in my garden of friendship.
I am thankful for peace that passes all understanding.
I am thankful for the ability to lay my head on my pillow and "cast all my cares on Him" because of His love for me.
I am thankful for answered prayers.
I am thankful one more soul will make it to Heaven because Somebody paid, and somebody prayed.

Lord, You are holy.
Lord, You are mighty to save.
Lord, You are worthy of praise.
Lord, You are mine, and I adore You.