Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have said it before, but it always bears repeating. What I value most, besides salvation itself, is the peace of mind that only Jesus can bring. Someone recently said to me that she feels peace when she is around me. My mind goes back to a homestudy we went through years ago when we started pursuing adoption. Our caseworker walked into our home (in the midst of our nervousness) and said, "The presence of the Lord dwells here." All my nervousness melted away.

O Lord, my Source of peace, always dwell in me. Always allow others to feel Your peace in my presence. Your presence, whether in me or in others, is the only source of peace there is. Thank You for the special person you have sent my way to prod me to "let go, and let God." It makes me want to dig a little deeper into what You have for me. Help me always to shine like a beacon in darkness, and help me to always share Your peace. Amen.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

All Creation Declares

All creation really declares the handiwork of God. Nicole C. Mullen wrote a song (at least she recorded it, and as far as I know, she wrote it) that says:

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
And who told the ocean you can only come this far?
And who showed the moon where to hide till evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives

In the last week, I noticed that sometimes when you look at the ocean, it appears to go uphill. It reminded me of this song, and I could just imagine God drawing a line in the sand for the ocean not to cross. From what I understand, God designed the tide to be controlled by the magnetism of the moon, but He is God. He decided how far the ocean can go. That brings me comfort when the winds of life blow. The tide may come in, but it will not consume me. I am in the hollow of HIS hand, and HE tells the ocean where to stop.