Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Four Days

God promised me something once. He told me not to fear that He had a plan & when He worked out His plan, we would KNOW it was HE who did it. I held on to that promise for something specific many years. The devil would perch himself on my shoulder & taunt me and say it was never going to happen. I still held on.

One day I received negative messages that made me think I had hammered away toward nothing. I felt like I was at the end of the road. My dream died. I gave up. I even told my husband that I quit that particular fight. I was done. See, God is God & He is all powerful, and I believed if what I wanted was His will, He could drop it in my lap. I gave up my fight and decided to let the Lord fight my battle, but in doing so, I had to let go of the way I wanted it to be. I had to be open to God's way being different than mine.

You know what? He did drop in my lap what He wanted me to have. A few days later, I received the call that said what I had waited to hear for so many years.

Tonight, I was singing the song Karen Peck sings called "Four Days Late." I was thinking about my story. And then it occurred to me. I have never noticed this before, but my giving up was on a Friday, and my good news came on the following Tuesday. It was four days late.

My Grandmother used to say, "He is not on our time. His ways are not our ways, but when He steps in, He is always on time." How right she was. I am thankful God is on time, even when I don't see it.
