Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Surrender

I have gotten hooked on a song I heard on Youtube called "I am Broken." The line that gets me is the last: "All I ever was, all I am and hope to be is broken at Your feet." I retrieved the words from another site that names Jim E. Davis as the writer of the song. A comment on the Youtube post names Sandy Blythe as the writer. Regardelss of who wrote it, it is very anointed and ministers to me everytime I hear it.

I never really thought about it this way before, but when we surrender to God and kneel at His feet, we give Him our past, our right now, and our future. The woman who broke the bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet gave Him her past, was giving him her present (right now), and was giving Him the precious ointment she had been saving for years, for her future. In much the same way, we surrender our past, present and future.

When Jesus went to Calvary and was crucified, He took my sin on Him. He covered the past, the right then, and the future. Only God in His love unconditional could create a plan so efficient. I am thankful for sweet surrender, not for my actions, but for His. I am in awe of all the God does for us when we surrender to Him.

1 comment:

jergen_girl said...

Thanks for leading me to that song. I am sitting here alone in my living room and the whole song brought tears to my eyes. The last line seems to sum it all up for me.