Sunday, November 6, 2016

I have not been here in years. I feel myself drawn to writing at times, and this seems to be the best place; so here I am.

I awoke this morning with thoughts of our Creator and how He made us for His glory. He made us for the sole purpose of worship and communion with Him. In my flesh, I wondered if that was a selfish move. He is the One with the power and authority. We are His tiny creations, and we are expected to exalt Him. In the same moment that I was wondering if God could be selfish, I was reminded of Jesus.

Jesus is proof that God is not selfish. God the Father gave us His Son as a gift on Earth. Then He gave His Son to die for our sins because of His great unselfishness. My flesh wanted to argue that God the Father did not die; God the Son did. Again, in the same moment, Truth washed over me. Jesus is God. He was man enough to feel pain and temptation, but He was God enough to give Himself to die, willingly, so that I could live. There is not one ounce of selfishness in my God. Jesus is the proof.

There is an old song called "So Much God" by Craig Edwards that says:

He was so much man that He slept in a boat, 
Yet he was so much God that the winds ceased when He spoke. 
He was so much man that He wept when Lazarus died, 
Yet He was so much God Lazarus came forth when He cried. 

He was so much man that He thirsted at the well, 
Yet He was so much God that He saved her soul from Hell. 
He was so much man that He died upon a tree, 
He was so much God that He rose in victory.

I am thankful.
