Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bits and Pieces

That is what I feel like these days: bits and pieces. My church family lost a precious member to cancer a week ago. She was a mother, sister, daughter, friend, minister of music, Sunday School teacher, Wednesday night teacher. She was the kind of teacher who was always prepared. She was the kind of friend who showed up to help you whether you had windows to clean, hair to perm, or a disaster to fix. If you were moving, she came and cleaned behind the furniture that had not been moved in five years. When you tried to shoo her away from your dirt, she shooed back and said, "Nah, I got it." She was my sister's best friend, and we are sooooo gonna miss her.

She, however, has choirs of angels all around and light straight from the Son. Streets of the purest gold are under her feet. The day of her funeral, at the graveside, there was a magnificent wisp of clouds that waved up like they were painted with giant fingers into angel's wings. Just after the dove release ceremony, we looked straight overhead, and one of those wisps was rainbow colored. I have never seen anything like it.

I have 3 projects going at the same time as I try to finish up my master's degree. Overwhelmed does not touch it. I am also an optimist and know that I will get through it. I can do ALL things through Him Who gives me strength!!!

All for now. Blessings!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pray 7x7, inspired by Angie Smith

I copied this button from Angie Smith's blog. It has a link attached regarding praying for our children. I just think it is precious. How much more meaningful can a life be than if it is covered in prayer?

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I happened on a website today that showed pictures of actual aborted fetuses. I did not know that was what was behind the link I lifted. I think it said, "Results of Abortion" and I thought it was a video of someone who had lived through a failed attempt at an abortion. What I actually saw was grotesque photos of pieces of babies. I do not understand how anyone can call them "tissue." They have arms, legs, ribs. I do not know how many pictures are available to view. I saw a few and began to weep.

Society deems abortion a choice. Some people say it is a woman's choice to abort an unwanted baby. It is justified because the child is unwanted. I have no biological children, so no unborn baby is unwanted in my eyes. I could never have adopted forty million. I know that, but that does not mean they were unwanted.

The only choice women should have is whether or not to become pregnant. I won't even touch the rape topic, because I do not believe that is why people abort. If a person makes a choice that could possibly result in a baby, then that baby deserves the same right to live that its mother has.

I am grieved. Images are etched in my memory that I cannot erase. God have mercy on us. Forgive our sins, and heal our land. Give peace to those who have aborted and repented, and help them to let go of the guilt of the past. What is done is done, but help us find a way to stop more atrocities. In Jesus' name.