Thursday, August 28, 2008


I am usually transparent. I am not fond of this trait but feel unable to change it. What you see is what you get. I try to smile "Good Mornings" to those I meet. Sometimes it is returned; sometimes it is ignored. Recently I have found myself in pain from my neck to my shoulder, not all at once. It comes and goes and moves around -- even down my arm or in my hand. One morning, a co-worker informed me I was not myself. I do not seem to be able to hide what I feel.

Though I have pain, I don't worry about it much, because I know my Creator. He made me, this world, and everything in it. If He can breathe air into a pile of dirt and make it come to life in the form of a man, and if He can take care of feeding all the sparrows, then He can certainly take care of me. And He will! It is a bit disgruntling that I have shoulder pain when I lie down, no matter how I turn. I cannot sleep in the bed until this thing goes away! I have rebuked it in Jesus' name. I know that God is in the healing business, but I also know He is not a lucky charm or a genie in a bottle that we can use by saying some magic words. He is God and He is sovereign. Sometimes things happen as a result of other things in life. Just because God does not jump to heal me when I claim it, does not mean He has quit listening. He is my All in All whether I walk in pain or without it.

If you think of it, thank the Lord for my healing. He did purchase it with some brutal stripes on His body. I know He has made provision for all of us, but I do not want to use Him for my benefit. I want Him to use me for His glory -- come what may.

Blessings to you and yours!

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