Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Gift!

It's Christmas! WOW! And in the blink of an eye, it will be gone. Christmas is a time to celebrate, to share, and to reflect.
I celebrate love from a holy Creator to an undeserving mankind.
I celebrate family and time set aside to be with them.
I share my worship from my heart for the One Who came down and took a robe of flesh so that I may have life abundantly.
I share my time, my blessings, my food, and my talents with those close to me.

My family has always played a game called "Christmas Eve Gift." It is a race to see who can say it first. The goal is to say it first to as many people as you can. Every other person willing to play it with you is your opponent. My mother's best friend and her daughter once came to our house at midnight, so they could "get" Mother at the first possible, and unexpected, moment.

That daughter now lives out of the country and has been known to call at midnight just to say "Christmas Eve Gift!"

I must admit I got a little bored with the game in my teen years, and let it slide. Now that I have kids, it is back, and with a vengeance. My eldest is competitive and loves the game. The fun is back. Somewhere along the way, I carried it over to Christmas Day. Christmas Eve has passed. All that is left now to say is

CHRISTMAS GIFT! Have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Catherine Rogers said...

Christmas GIFT! Gotcha!
(kinda late...but I win) :)

I miss those early morning phone calls from Grandmother that forced me from a warm bed to wish me "Christmas Eve Gift". Like you I grew weary of it. Havng children changes your perspective and gives it new life. FAMILY Traditions! Wonderful! God is so good.